
SaaS Onboarding Email Blog

What are you in the mood for? I’ve got onboarding email breakdowns, strategy how-tos, and SaaS email marketing best practices. Or, just browse the latest down below.

SaaS Email Template - Onboarding

Need a template for a SaaS or B2B onboarding email? Here’s one to get you started!

Want 30 more SaaS email templates like this one? Download my free Essential SaaS Email Series Templates.

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What is a SaaS onboarding email?

Onboarding emails are the messages you send to free trial users with the ultimate goal of converting them to a paid plan. If you want to dive deeper, I’ve got blog posts about:

Onboarding / Free Trial Email Strategy

Onboarding Email Best Practices

Onboarding Email Examples and Breakdowns

Onboarding / Free Trial Email Template

Below is a writing prompt for a SaaS onboarding email. Use the pointers to get those ideas flowing!

Day 1 - Welcome

Subject Line:

Pointer: This first email should have the name of the tool they signed up for. It’s also useful to have your company name, not the name of an employee, as the sender.

Prompt: There’s no need to be cute or creative here - use a straightforward subject line that includes the name they’re familiar with.

Body Copy:

Pointer: There are a few key elements you’ll want to include in your welcome email. Your company’s mission or values. This could also be your value proposition. You want to set the stage for who you are and, more importantly, why they should care. Set expectations. These can be about both tone and content. If you’re going to be sending helpful tips, let them know with a simple "Tip 1/4." Use momentum to present the first step. Checklists are your friend here. What small step can a new user do next? It can be a quick win or to just follow you on social/connect to the community.

Prompt: What would be the most impactful next step for a new trial user to take? Both for them and you.

Want to see more example SaaS email templates?

If you need to write a new SaaS email series, check out 30+ free templates by clicking the image below.